I am reaching out to invite you to attend this year's Reno Diocesan Conference. This year’s theme “Missionary Discipleship”, invites us to examine our faith and the evangelization of it in our world. As people following Jesus Christ we are called to bring forth our faith by example and welcome those around us to recognize their faith.
As recipients of the Eucharist, the real presence of Jesus, we are meant to be transformed to become what we receive – the very presence of Christ in the world. This means our lives as individuals in the Church must be directed toward the good of others as ministers of Christ’s mercy, love, and compassion.
Our conference program is in support of our journey as Catholics. It is developed for us to gather together, to learn, and grow in our faith, so we may build up the church in northern Nevada. You will find very timely and important information shared in each session, specifically chosen for us to progress in our mission as Catholics. These sessions are designed for all parishes, parishioners and invited guests to be inspired so that we may flourish as a diocese.
As we welcome in the very special Jubilee Year of 2025, Pilgrims of Hope, it is my prayer that we, together, can become the living, breathing example of what we receive from our Lord. Conference is the perfect time for us to reflect and refresh in this commitment by practice. Please join us and register for the sessions that call to your heart. All of the keynotes and general sessions are complimentary to all.
Please know that I keep you and your loved ones in my daily prayers. God Bless you always!
With every best wish and assurance of prayer, I remain, Yours in Christ +Most Reverend Daniel H. Mueggenborg Bishop of Reno