The traditional Blessing of Throats will be offered in honour of St. Blaise after all Masses this coming weekend (February 1and 2) at St. Joseph's, Our Lady of the Rubies, Sacred Heart, Carlin, St. Brendan's, Eureka and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jackpot.
Saint Blaise was a physician and bishop of the town of Sebastea in Armenia. Although the Roman empire had provided for freedom or worship, in Armenia many Christians were still being tortured for their beliefs.
In the year 316, Saint Blaise was martyred because he refused to make a sacrifice to a pagan god. He like many other saints chose to sacrifice their lives so great was their commitment to Jesus Christ.
From a healer of physical ailments, he became a physician of souls. Crowds would flock to him seeking healing from both bodily and spiritual ills.
He is the patron saint of animals, builders, veterinarians and wool workers. His feast day is February 3rd.
St Blaise, pray for us...